Thursday, September 29, 2011

Hands of Gold "Spreads The Wellness" For Bay Ridge!

Dr. James Peloquin is bringing his Hands of Gold techniques and philosophy of a healthier you to the Green Spa.

Dr. Peloquin's role as part of the Green Spa is to treat patients suffering from spinal related conditions as well as offer counseling to create a holistic approach to better health. As part of his efforts to give back to the community and provide wellness to Bay Ridge, Dr. Peloquin spreads the realization that healing comes from within; and that ultimately, the promotion of health and wellness is superior to the treatment of a disease.

Already providing a place to relax and unwind, The Green Spa is a perfect partner for Hands of Gold Chiropractic. Dr. Peloquin has a sincere caring for your health and practices the latest techniques to improve your overall well being.

The Green Spa is excellent when you need the very best therapists that are highly trained in healing techniques that encourage physical, spiritual and emotional wellness. That is why Dr. Peloquin has joined them in his quest to create a healthier and happier Bay Ridge.

Call Dr. Peloquin today to book your wellness day! 718-833-WELL.

Monday, September 19, 2011

10 Questions We're Always Asked

1.What is a subluxation?

A subluxation happens when the spinal segments lose alignment and pressure is placed on the spinal nerves.. These subluxations have a negative effect on the way the nervous system funtions. Dr. Jason Peloquin is able to realign your spine in order to allow the nervous system to maintain balance and function efficiently. Some symptoms that can be caused by subluxations include: numbness and tingling, fatigue, headaches, neck pain and/or back pain. Since immunity is controlled by the nervous system, subluxations can make you more susceptible to bacterial and viral infections.

2.What is that popping noise?

Gases accumulate in your joint fluids, the popping sound occurs when those gases are released. Knuckle-cracking creates the same sound and tests results indicate that while irritating to those around you, knuckle-popping will not hurt you.

3. Will it hurt to get an adjustment?

From time to time individuals that have not experienced a chiropractic adjustment may feel a little bit of tenderness, similar to what you would feel after a hard workout at the gym. Most patients do not seem to find it a problem. Because, really…….if it felt painful how many people would come back? Based upon on the individual case heat or cold might be recommended.

4.How long will it take?

A typical adjustment takes around 5 or 10 minutes. Times may vary depending on exactly what type of treatment is done. Several procedures take longer and those are influenced by things like exercise instruction, heat and cold treatments and traction. The majority of chiropractors use hands on style adjustments. Some employ an instrument referred to as an activator or a mechanical adjusting device to make the adjustment easier.

5.Will I need to do exercises?

Once in a while I may recommend particular exercises to support the adjustments. Exercises help tone muscles and help provide support to the spine. Several varieties of exercises may also be recommended so that you can enhance the range of motion.

6.Is it safe to give adjustments to children?

Definitely! Children and Infants profit considerably from chiropractic adjustments. With children, different techniques must be used extra care is taken. Sometimes, simply the pressure of a finger is all that should be used. Chiropractors take care of ear infections and allergies. Slip and fall accidents are prevalent with children and are often efficiently treated by chiropractic.

7.Will I need to be x-rayed?

X-raying may be done on a case by case basis. Routine treatments may not call for x-rays, but usually accidental injuries will. Almost always, children or pregnant women will not will need x-rays.

8.Will I need more than one adjustment?

For most patients, it requires a period of time for a problem to be felt. Because the majority of people wait around a short time before attempting to get therapy, the body adjusts itself to the situation and it will require more than an overnight to be able to correct the issue.

9.Someone said my bed could be the problem, is this accurate?

It absolutely can. Old mattresses lose their ability to correctly support the body during the night. Not only can your mattress be a problem, but pillows also create neck problems.

10.Is there a proper way to Sleep?

Most people do not realize it is best to sleep on their back. You can also sleep on your side though shoulder pain may result

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Trigger Points and Pain

Trigger points are persistent, localized muscle spasms that can cause a great deal of pain.  Trigger points alone may be responsible for many cases of neck pain, upper back pain, and lower back pain. This relationship is fairly common knowledge among physicians who treat pain, including chiropractors, rheumatologists, and physiatrists (doctors of physical medicine).
What is not generally known is that trigger points may also be implicated in radiating pain into the arm and hand or radiating pain into the leg and foot. In fact, radiating pain due to trigger points may be mistaken for pain caused by a herniated disc, in either the neck or lower back. Trigger point pain affecting the wrist and hand may even be misdiagnosed as carpal tunnel syndrome. A patient in whom a correct diagnosis of trigger point pain is missed may lose much precious time and other resources, as she fruitlessly "tries" one doctor after another and needlessly undergoes all sorts of complex and costly testing.
The key to correctly identifying the source and cause of upper or lower extremity radiating pain is to be able to accurately characterize its nature. Radiating pain caused by trigger points is diffuse - the pain broadly covers a region. This diffuse pain is described as "scleratogenous", meaning that it is pain referred from connective tissue such as muscle and tendon. Radiating pain caused by a compressed spinal nerve (ultimately caused by a herniated disc, for example) is described as "radicular" or "dermatomal". This pain is confined to a specific area - the area that is supplied by a specific spinal nerve. For example, pain involving the thumb and index finger could be caused by compression of the C6 spinal nerve. Pain involving the outside of the foot and the little toe could be caused by compression of the S1 spinal nerve.
Scleratogenous pain is not specific. A person might complain of pain across the "shawl" portion of the upper back and traveling into the upper arm, experienced "all over" the upper arm. Another person might be experiencing pain across the gluteal region, hip, and upper thigh. Both of these patterns of radiating pain are likely due to several trigger points, localized to the respective areas.
Of course, an accurate diagnosis is necessary to be able to develop an effective treatment strategy. The good news is that although trigger points necessarily represent a chronic muscular process, they may be treated with very good to excellent outcomes using conservative protocols. Chiropractic care is the optimal method for managing trigger point pain. Chiropractic care is a drug-free approach which directly addresses the biomechanical causes of these persistent trigger points and their associated patterns of radiating pain. Chiropractic care improves mobility and restores function, helping to reduce and resolve chronic pain.

For More information on Dr. Peloquin and the Hands of Gold Chiropractic please visit our website at:
Bay Ridge Chiropractor or like us on Facebook at Hands of Gold Chiro Facebook Page.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Are Backpacks Hurting Your Kids?

One of the cutest things I suppose you can see is the site of a tiny head and two legs and arms poking out from above, below and from the sides of a giant backpack, all wobbling toward you asking you if you brought it a snack! Ah, for those thrilling days of yesteryear!

Sigh-provoking as that scene is, it speaks to the ongoing problems our children are having with over-sized, over-stuffed and over-loaded back packs causing back and shoulder pain and the potential long-term issues they may face thirty years later. Simply stated most pre-teens don’t have the body strength that is necessary to maintain an erect posture under the ridiculous loads they carry and this weight and its distribution put substantial stress upon their immature skeletons and in the case of one-strappers, their shoulders.

The question then is begged as to what are the proper guidelines and some good tips for buying, loading and wearing a backpack?

Let’s start with the weight of the backpack. It is generally agreed that no more than 10% of a child’s body weight when they are pre-teens should be loaded into the pack. As they become older the weight can increase to no more than 15% of their body weight. You want to put the heaviest weight at the bottom of the backpack and it’s a pretty good idea, especially with younger children to clean out their packs every one or two days as you will be amazed at what you might find that has gone missing or is unnecessarily adding to the weight of the backpack.

In addition to the weight however, one of the major principles involved in safely wearing a backpack is to distribute the weight over as much of the body as possible. Therefore, one of the things you want to look at is a shoulder strap that is thick and well padded. Look for a backpack that has lots of side pockets as these can be used to further distribute the weight around the trunk. You don’t want the backpack to go below the natural curve of the waist, as this increased length will put more force across the skeleton; remember force is a function of weight times the distance squared. Additionally, I usually recommend that the backpack have a plastic or thick rubber lumbar support to fit as close to the body as possible and, although considered nerdy clasping the waist straps is very important in reducing the drag of the backpack and keeping the load as close to the long axis of the skeleton as possible (remember, distance squared!).

A final word about one-strappers. These are the teens that carry twenty to thirty pounds of books and goodness knows what else on one shoulder and then coms home and complaining that his or her shoulder hurts. Really! Needless to say, although way cool, these shoulder bags are a bad idea.

While there have not been a sufficient number of long-term studies to make any definitive statements about the long term effects of carrying a heavy backpack (such as the oft-heard it causes a curved spine) these common sense tips and approaches to this yearly annoyance will serve everyone well and help your child avoid unnecessary aches and pains.

They just don’t have the body strength to remain erect under these very substantial loads, and it puts their skeletons under substantial duress.