Entrepreneur, Professional Speaker, Chiropractor and Clinical Nutritionist Dr. Peloquin's office Hands of Gold Chiropractic has been helping suffering people in Bay Ridge Brooklyn since 2004.
Monday, January 28, 2013
80% of Patients with Dizziness Improve with Chiropractic
Chiropractic treatments relieved symptoms in 80% of patients with dizziness and neck pain in a new study. The study compared treatment outcomes in neck-pain patients with and without dizziness.
Although dizziness is common in patients with whiplash, less is known about these symptoms in patients with neck pain who have not suffered from auto injuries. The researchers sought to investigate whether dizziness made recovery more difficult for neck-pain patients, and whether gender affected prognosis.
Initially, patients with neck pain and dizziness had worse pain and disability scores than patients with just neck pain. After six months of chiropractic treatment however, the differences between the groups disappeared as both groups experienced clinically significant improvements.
The researchers also discovered that symptoms of dizziness and depression were more prevalent in women. Despite women’s increased risk of dizziness, they also responded favorably to chiropractic treatments.
Earlier research has also demonstrated the efficacy of chiropractic for dizziness and neck pain.
If you are suffering from dizziness or vertigo with little benefit from traditional medicine, please consider us an ally in your quest for help.
For more information on Dr. Peloquin and his multidisiplinary office, please feel free to view his website at:
www.handsofgoldchiropractic.com or like them on Facebook at: HANDS-OF-GOLD-CHIROPRACTIC on facebook