Thursday, September 29, 2011

Hands of Gold "Spreads The Wellness" For Bay Ridge!

Dr. James Peloquin is bringing his Hands of Gold techniques and philosophy of a healthier you to the Green Spa.

Dr. Peloquin's role as part of the Green Spa is to treat patients suffering from spinal related conditions as well as offer counseling to create a holistic approach to better health. As part of his efforts to give back to the community and provide wellness to Bay Ridge, Dr. Peloquin spreads the realization that healing comes from within; and that ultimately, the promotion of health and wellness is superior to the treatment of a disease.

Already providing a place to relax and unwind, The Green Spa is a perfect partner for Hands of Gold Chiropractic. Dr. Peloquin has a sincere caring for your health and practices the latest techniques to improve your overall well being.

The Green Spa is excellent when you need the very best therapists that are highly trained in healing techniques that encourage physical, spiritual and emotional wellness. That is why Dr. Peloquin has joined them in his quest to create a healthier and happier Bay Ridge.

Call Dr. Peloquin today to book your wellness day! 718-833-WELL.